Adam’s Wild WOD. Thurs, 10/20

Aloha and Welcome to Aaron ! Aaron was a great addition to our 8:00 AM WOD Wednesday! Aaron works out at the newest CrossFit NW Seattle in Ballard.  Thank you so much for making it in Aaron!

So…., in case you didn’t know, Adam has been on a mission lately with his cleans. When he does them correctly, using a powerful extension of his hips, he feels how much easier that weight just floats up. That’s why he programmed them into Thursday’s WOD! He’s just so jazzed! Think “Hip It before you Whip It!”

Warm up:
Will be posted…

10 minutes working on a goal or a goat

Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5

WOD: Adam’s Wild WOD, 12 min AMRAP;
5 Power cleans
10 pull ups
25 Double unders


There will be only ONE class this Saturday morning at 7:30 AM!
Kinsey will launch her “Paleolithic Living” series at 8:30 AM.
The three part series runs every other Saturday thru Nov 19.
Don’t miss it! Register at the desk. $10/class or $25 for the series.