‘Tis The Season For Visitors! Thurs, 11/17

It was hard to say goodbye to JD, from CrossFit Queens in New York.  JD’s been a wonderful force in our box the last week. We’ll miss you JD!
But we also got a visit from an old friend, Dave Kruse, from CrossFit Level 4 in Seattle.  Dave came to visit us last spring and is back for a week. Welcome back Dave!
And we had visitors on Monday who came back Wednesday with more CrossFit friends. Welcome Megan (CrossFit by Overload, Murrieta, CA,) Brooke, Matt (CrossFit Invictus, San Diego,) Robbie and Courtney (CrossFit by Overload.) This gang rocks!
Adam’s got another great day programmed for you!

Warm Up:
Well, something needs to be a surprise!
Tennis ball “flossing”
The Hang clean

WOD: “DT” 5 rounds for time;
12 deadlifts (155/115)
9 hang cleans
6 push press
(use the same bar for all three)