Gluten and fructose are the enemy! Thurs, 12/1
Happy First day of December! Today we are starting a four week program in an attempt to keep everyone on board for the holidays. It’s difficult not to let the hustle and bustle of the upcoming holiday overcrowd your schedule. But it’s not that hard people to stick to a paleo diet, get in a few WODs a week and make sleep a priority. This program is very similar to what we have been doing but we will keep closer tabs on the strength portion with the implementation of the Wendler program again (roaring applause!)
If you missed Kinsey’s Paleo Pyramid talk last night you must put this on your calendar next time. Once you know what certain foods do in your gut , like ferment, you are less likely to want to eat them. To sum up Kinsey’s two hour discussion: gluten and fructose are the enemy. The goal is to eliminate foods that cause inflammation. Inflammation is at the route of all disease and their symptoms.
Andrea made it in between a hectic schedule. We underestimate the repercussions of stress and sleep deprivation on our lives. Our next Paleo Pyramid discussion will be in February when Kinsey returns from hibernation in Bellingham!
Jason totally flipping out! Great cortisol management.
Warm Up:
Group relay: Row, jump rope, box steps
2 rounds of:
25 GHD back extensions
25 ab mat sit ups
parallette pass throughs
WOD: 3 rounds for time;
800m run
15 deadlifts