Staying on track thru the holidays… Fri, 12/2

Remind yourself every day that in order to achieve optimal well-being and to function at your highest level you need to stay focused on the big three: Nutrition, Exercise and Sleep. It’s easy to get side tracked during the hectic holiday weeks.  But you don’t have to.  Make a commitment and stay on track.  Here are some tips to help:

  • Reserve classes for an entire week and don’t miss one.
  • Shop wisely for food and plan meals ahead of time.
  • Plan your “cheat meals” for those special holiday parties.
  • Get holiday preparations done early to minimize stress.
  • Get plenty of sleep!

Warm Up:
400m run
Then 3 rounds:
Farmers walk with Burpees
5 dead hang pull ups
2 hand stand holds

Strength: 5-3-1 Wendler Bench Press
Week #1:  5 reps @ 65% 1RM, 5 reps @ 75%, 5 reps (or more) @ 85%.
If you do not have a 1RM established, use this class to find your 1RM Bench.

WOD: 4 min AMRAPs
10 seated dips
10 “true” push ups (handles, paralletes or rings)
10 DB bench press
Rest 2 minutes. Repeat for a total of 4 cycles.