It Never Get’s Boring…. Tues, Feb 7

One of the greatest things about CrossFit is that it is constantly aried.  That means you don’t get bored with the same ol’ same ol.  But just remember, in the event those kipping pull ups get old you can always make it more challenging….

Group Warm Up
Inchworms (w/cheek to floor hollow body push up)
Backwards walking lunges (knee does not pass ankle)

Revisiting the squat (Does YOUR butt wink? and what to do about it)
Revisiting the pull up
Assisted knees to elbows

WOD: AMRAP in 20 minutes (scaled for newbies)
5 STRICT pull ups
10 push ups (scale as necessary to avoid breaking “hollow”)
15 sit ups
20 DB walking lunges