Happy B’day Steve! Sat, Feb 18

A big mahalo to Steve and Sherri for all the hard work this week at the box!  They have been busy!   It’s Steve’s birthday on Saturday and he is planning to lead you through a workout dear to his heart. He will give you a personal account of the day.

This is taken directly from Crossfit Northwest Tucson’s web page from a year ago:

Today we honor those killed and wounded in last Saturday’s assassination attempt on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.  20 people in all were shot, 6 have died and the youngest was nine years old.  We name this Memorial WOD after Christina Green, the youngest of those killed.  Although we name this WOD after Christina, we in no way will only be thinking about her.  The names of the five others slain are: Gabe Zimmerman, 30, U.S. District Judge John Roll, 63, Dorwin Stoddard, 76, Dorothy Morris, 76, Phyillis Schneck, 79.  We thank everyone who will do this WOD with us today.



As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

9 Pull-ups
9 Squat cleans, 135/95 pounds
9 Kettlebell swings, 2/1.5 pood
9 Toes to bars
9 Push press, 135/95 pounds
9 Burpees

Record rounds and reps completed.