Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Monday was busy with a packed 8 a.m. class; a visit by One World’s Freddy Camacho and Chyna Cho, who were hanging out with RFM coaches Robert and Kristi; a visit by another One World athlete, Jor, and his family; a visit from CF Maui Extreme members; Kinsey Jackson’s 30 Day Paleo Talk; and a lot of sweat on the new mats. Just how we like it. Great work everyone; every class gave it their all.
Here’s the workout for Tuesday, April 10, 2012
A. Skill
Time a partner for max L-sit hold; then accumulate 1:30 parallette or ring L-sit hold, regardless of how many tries it takes.
Four rounds:
In 4 minutes
400m run
6 pull-ups
AMRAP OHS ( 65 / 95 )
Rest 1:00 between rounds
Score is OHS total
SCHEDULING NOTE: Due to the large 8 a.m. class, please aim to attend 6 or 9 a.m. for more thorough coaching.