Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Freddy Camacho and Chyna Cho of CF One World
CF Maui Extreme
CF One World's Jor and family
Kinsey Jackson of 30 Day Paleo Challenge

Monday was busy with a packed 8 a.m. class; a visit by One World’s Freddy Camacho and Chyna Cho, who were hanging out with RFM coaches Robert and Kristi; a visit by another One World athlete, Jor, and his family; a visit from CF Maui Extreme members; Kinsey Jackson’s 30 Day Paleo Talk; and a lot of sweat on the new mats. Just how we like it. Great work everyone; every class gave it their all.

Here’s the workout for Tuesday, April 10, 2012 

A. Skill


Time a partner for max L-sit hold; then accumulate 1:30 parallette or ring L-sit hold, regardless of how many tries it takes.


Four rounds:

In 4 minutes

400m run

6 pull-ups

AMRAP OHS ( 65 / 95 )

Rest 1:00 between rounds
Score is OHS total

SCHEDULING NOTE: Due to the large 8 a.m. class, please aim to attend 6 or 9 a.m. for more thorough coaching.