Friday, April 13, 2012
Excellent turnout this week. Everyone is kicking it into gear with week one of the linear strength program and some fun WODs. Great job on making up missed lifts today and staying consistent with bodyweight baseline movements. We are already seeing increases in strict pull-ups, push-ups and dips — not to mention, some amazingly hardcore cores! Get it? Like a hard core? OK. That’s enough. On to the workout…
For Friday, April 13, 2012
A. Strength
Deadlift – linear week one
Five rounds for time:
20 lunges (10 on each leg) with bumper plate overhead (25/45)
20 burpees
Melissa, who professes her love for burpees, gets a jump-start on tomorrow’s WOD during today’s 5 p.m. class. She breezed through the burpees like it involved as much effort as checking the mail. How does she do it?
HOUSEKEEPING UPDATE: You can rest easy tonight: The bathroom key has been found. It is now attached to a jump rope handle, hanging on the key plaque.