Monday, May 7, 2012
Get ready for a new week of WODs! We want you to make the strength work on Monday, Wednesday and Friday your main focus of the day. Push each rep past parallel to lockout — maintaining perfect form and control. Drive it to your max effort for the day, even if it means that you can’t complete all three sets of five reps. It’s easy to shorten the range of motion under heavy loads, but we’d rather you tax yourself with one to four perfect reps than doing five short of parallel or not fully locked out or extended. CrossFit Totals will be coming toward the end of the month. Be prepared to see your hard work pay off with new one-rep maxes!
Here’s the workout for Monday, May 7, 2012:
A. Strength
Back squat — linear week 5
B. Metcon
Three rounds for time:
400-meter run
30 box jumps, regional style (24 / 20)
30 wall balls (20 / 14)
SPECIAL THANKS: To Raw Fitness Maui for hosting the inaugural Spring Cleaning event Saturday. The competition was a great way to celebrate Olympic weightlifting and showcase the youth of Queen Emma athletic group. Congrats to organizers, participants and oly lifters everywhere who are cultivating the stunning sport.