Tuesday, May 8, 2012





Here’s the workout for Tuesday, May 8, 2012:

A. Skill

10-minute double-under practice **

-advanced – 3 x 20 unbroken

-intermediate – 3 x 10 unbroken

-beginner – 3 x 5 unbroken

**  If you don’t have doubles, use this time to work on timing and practice

B. Metcon

Four rounds for time:

200 meter run

30 double-unders

20 hand-release push-ups

10 toes-to-bar


SCHEDULING REMINDER: Classes will be condensed on Thursdays for makeup skill and strength work. Only 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. will be held, starting this week.

COACHING UPDATES: Coach Adam and Coach Jason will be jumping into classes starting this week. Adam will have 5 p.m. classes Tuesdays and Thursdays; Jason will coach the 6 a.m. class Tuesdays.