Friday, May 18, 2012


Here’s the workout for Friday, May 18, 2012:

A. Strength

Deadlift – linear week 6

B. Metcon

Barbell complex*

AMRAP in three minutes:

4 deadlifts

3 power cleans

2 front squats

1 push press

The complex will be three rounds, with 1:30 rest between rounds. Start each round where you left off. Score is total rounds and reps.

* Same barbell is used throughout. Transitional movements may be used (the fourth deadlift may be cleaned, counting as your first power clean, etc.). Suggested weights include the following:

Advanced: 135 / 95

Intermediate: 95-130 / 65-90

Beginner: below 95 / below 65 (For those not yet comfortable with barbells, dumbbells may be substituted).