Friday, May 24, 2012
Seasoned gymnastics coach Paul, of Maui Tumblers, gives hanging out a whole new meaning Thursday at CFUM. Here, he’s demonstrating a muscle-up for one our members who is extremely close to nailing it. We will leave the athlete’s name anonymous, just to add to the suspense.
Here’s the workout for Friday, May 24, 2012:
A. Strength
Deadlift – linear week 7
B. Metcon
“Running Nate”
AMRAP in 12:00:
2 muscle-ups
4 handstand push-ups
8 Russian kettlebell swings
200-meter sprint
There are a variety of muscle-up substitutions. For this workout, one muscle-up will equal three dips. Handstand push-up modifications will be given in class.
SCHEDULING REMINDER: Due to Memorial Day, we will have a condensed holiday schedule — one class at 8 a.m. this Monday. We will be doing a Hero WOD to recognize our U.S. military active duty and veteran service members.