Friday, June 1, 2012
Holy moly. Talk about an impressive last few days. We retested your core strength with plank holds and your upper and lower body strength with barbell work. In just two months since we started programming, each of you saw amazing gains. Your numbers went through the roof. Truly, your dedication, hard work and consistency paid off! The proof is all there, logged in your CFUM journal.
WHAT’S NEXT: Now that our linear strength series is up, the coaches plotted out an entire year of strength work — which incorporates body-weight, dumbbell and barbell movements. You will see the back squat, strict press and deadlift again, but we want to ensure that you don’t physically plateau and mentally check-out, so we are switching up the movements starting next week. More details will be announced soon.
DELOAD WEEK: First thing’s first: Deloading from barbell strength work. You MUST give your muscles and your nervous system a break after heavy lifting, especially since we just tested your one-rep maxes. We URGE you to go light the next few days and pay attention to your immune system. We will be programming accordingly. Listen to your body and rest when you need to, so you can give optimal efforts during your training days.
With this new month comes a fresh opportunity to tackle your weakness, log personal records and make strategic gains — which will cultivate longevity in training and in life!
Keep up the great work, CFUM.
Oh, and here’s Diane getting a 205 deadlift today, up from her old PR of 175. Not to mention, her back squat went from 105 to 175 – a 70# PR.
Here’s the workout for Friday, June 1, 2012:
A. Strength (deload week)
Take the first 20 minutes of class to get the following baselines and record it in your journal:
• max consecutive dead-hang pull-ups
• max consecutive kipping pull-ups
• max consecutive strict dips
• max consecutive push ups
Log whether you have to use band assistance, and if so, what color
B. Metcon
Five sets for max reps of each movement, with 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest:
• Air squats
• Toes-to-bar
• Double-unders
• Push-ups
* Score is total reps
Today, our great friends Lori, Shauna and Jun from Raw Fitness Maui dropped in. Lori decided to celebrate her birthday by doing 800-meter runs with me, which is probably one of her least favorite things to do. I have a lot of respect for my former gym and its leaders Robert and Kristi, and I highly recommend checking them out when you’re in Wailuku (they’re on Eha St. near Sack N’ Save). Happy birthday, Lori!