Wednesday, June 27, 2012

It’s PR madness at CFUM. Many of you saw some awesome gains in your bodyweight strength movements today. Highlights include Melissa nailing 18 deadhang pull-ups; Leah smashing her old deadhang pull-up record; Helena chalking up 30 kipping pull-ups; and Noah smoking the kipping and deadhang work. And that’s just a few. Not to mention, Warren, after only a couple weeks in CrossFit, snagged a bunch of doubles today after the 9 a.m. class.

These are huge! We’re so excited to see the accomplishments. Nothing is too small — just check out the PR board and see the range of feats. Weaknesses and strengths are different for each individual, so be stoked on getting better than your former self!

Here’s the workout for Wednesday, June 27, 2012:

A. Strength

1. DB bench

2. DB row

B. Metcon

For time:

10 push press, 1 burpee

9 push press, 2 burpees

8 push press, 3 burpees

7 push press, 4 burpees

6 push press, 5 burpees

5 push press, 6 burpees

4 push press, 7 burpees

3 push press, 8 burpees

2 push press, 9 burpees

1 push press, 10 burpees

Suggested weight is 115/75. Dumbbells may also be used.

(If any of you are blog hawks, you’ll noticed that we changed the pull-up to a push press. This is because many of our palms are pretty toasted. Check with coaches on tips to keep those calluses down. Have a great WOD!).