Thursday, July 5, 2012

Kaipo (foreground); Hua (background)

Team Aganos


We had 25 people, including Texas visitors Chance and Denise, show up to the 8 a.m. class Wednesday to do Hero WOD “Tumilson,” 8 rounds for time of a 200-meter run and 11 dumbbell burpee deadlifts. Hope you had a good Fourth, everyone!

Here’s the workout for Thursday, July 5, 2012:

A. Make up strength / skill

Take the first 20 minutes of class to make up strength and skill work from the week. Some asked about missing the first week of linear push presses due to the holiday schedule Wednesday. You can do them today or catch up with them next week.

B. Metcon

For time:

400 meters

25 air squats

400 meters

25 pull-ups

400 meters

25 lunges (per leg)

400 meters

25 dips