Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Helena does bar muscle-ups instead of ring muscle-ups in “Nasty Girls.” Great work getting through a tough WOD today. It was a first for all of you, and you smoked it!

Here’s the workout for Tuesday, July 17, 2012:

A. Skill

Bar muscle-ups

Take 15 minutes of class to work on bar muscle-ups, with the progression of kipping pull-ups, kipping chest-to-bar pull-ups, then bar muscle-ups.

B. Metcon

In 3:00

200 meter run

10 dumbbell burpee deadlifts

AMRAP knees to elbows

Complete five rounds, resting one minute between rounds. Score is total knees to elbows.

Dumbbell burpee deadlift demo:

* These two demo clips are dedicated to Sara’s husband, who cares about our posts enough to notice when we don’t have videos. 😉 Now get to the gym, mister! (Yes, we’re calling you out).