Monday, August 6, 2012



“Stare Down”

Photos of Saturday’s crew post-WOD depict several emotions. If an overall winner had to be chosen, I would vote for Jermaine and Brock. The mother and son team show some crazy good stink eye in “Stare Down” (You must have experience! JK). Anders in “Stare Down” is equally scary — in a stalkerish sort of way. I also like Helena’s “Tired,” where son Kaikili looks like he may be slipping away. Who’s your favorite? Kim T. for not changing emotions? We saw these pictures and cracked up. They’re hilarious!

No. 345.23 reason why we love CFUM: Saturday’s workout to remember our “31 Heroes” —  especially Maui’s Kraig Vickers, a 1992 Maui High graduate — was tough, to say the least. Everyone pushed through heavy thrusters, rope climbs, box jumps and weighted 400s, including special guests Cole and Kai, and Coach Allen of Imperial CrossFit. The WOD was sombre and sweaty. Yet at the end of it all, our athletes wanted to do something more. “Let’s do a 31-something cash out,” a few members said. As a group, we chose to tack on 31 burpees, and with each one, it reminded me why you folks are so inspiring: You push us to push even harder. There’s no complaining — only hard work; and you daily choose to put yourself through the uncomfortable, evidence of mental toughness. Thank you for showing up and working hard!

Here’s the workout for Monday, August 6, 2012:

A. Strength

Front squat — linear week 6

B. Metcon

In 2:00

Sprint 100 meters

25 double-unders

AMRAP overhead squats (95/65)

Complete four rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Score is total reps of overhead squats.

C. Cash out

3 x 10 kettlebell halos (switch direction after each full rotation)


Sick July PRs!

A coach who will not be named forgot to get the PR photo up at start of the new month. We had a ton of bar MUs in July; other highlights include Jermaine getting rid of bands and Gabby running to class. Keep working on your weaknesses. Let’s land some new personal records in August!