Wednesday, August 8, 2012



5 p.m. calm before it got crazy.

Nice job on Filthy 50 today. All of you kept it under 35 minutes and we had some great PRs (for example, Leah did her first WOD with doubles). We’re proud of each of you; especially for your drive to tackle stuff like this without protest, always giving it your all.

Here’s the workout for Wednesday, August 8, 2012:

A. Strength

Push press – linear week 6

B. Metcon

Five rounds for time:

12 sumo deadlift high pulls (75/55)

6 pistols (6 per leg)

3 muscle-ups (substitution: one strict pull-up and one dip per muscle-up)

C. Cash out

Rope climbs 3 x 3