Friday, August 10, 2012

Yo. Thursday yoga with Ann.

Here’s the workout for Friday, August 10, 2012:

A. Strength

Snatch deadlift – linear week 6

B. Metcon

For time:


Hang cleans (115/75)

Hand-release push-ups

C. Cash out

Partner band sprints

25-meter sprint x 4 (each partner will run four times, alternating partners with each sprint)


Aloha, Velasco family!

The Velasco family — Coach Allen, Char, Mateo and Tomas, of Imperial CrossFit in Seattle — are leaving us today. But not if we lock them in the box and barricade the doors with bumper plates, prowlers, squat racks and any other loose equipment. Any takers? We’re thankful to have had our extended CFUM family at the box daily, and we look forward to their next trip “home.” Aloha, friends.