Thursday, Sept. 20, 2012


Jason (left) and Noah

Here’s the workout for Thursday, Sept. 20, 2012:

A. Make up strength / skill

Take the first 20 minutes of class to work on your oly lifts. We have two more weeks left until the new strength cycle starts. Try going through the Burgener warmup with a barbell.

B. Metcon

For time:

400 meters

20 jumping lunges (10 per leg)

400 meters

20 renegade rows (10 per arm)

400 meters

20 dumbbell burpee deadlifts

400 meters

20 dips

Then . . .

Stretch yourself before you wreck yourself:

Yoga for CrossFitters at 9 a.m.

Certified yoga instructor and badass runner Ann Van Patten will lead her one-hour yoga for CrossFitters session at 9 a.m. Bring a mat and leave your misconceptions. It’s one of the best things you can do to balance CrossFit training.

YOGA SCHEDULE NOTICE: There will be no yoga class 9/27. Please mark your calendar.


Pre-Holiday Paleo Challenge meeting at 5 p.m.

Start clearing out your refrigerators, freezers, cabinets and pantries. Throw out those Oreos (or eat them, your choice), that loaf of white bread that you bought for a dollar to make a late-night grilled cheese, and even that Hershey milk chocolate bar that you have just “one piece” after every meal. Starting Monday, any CFUM member will be able to participate in CFUM’s 30-Day Pre-Holiday Paleo Challenge!

With the holiday season right around the corner — Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s — don’t get caught making up for bad dietary decisions. Be prepared for the season of eating with ways to choose better foods while eating out, ways to cook paleo for potlucks and realistic paleo meal ideas. Don’t think you need to lean out? Or not ready to give up your favorite foods? Give paleo a serious try and see how eating clean can aid your performance and recovery time.

What is paleo, you ask? In brief, it is a dietary approach of lean meats, vegetables, nuts, seeds, healthy fat, some starch and fruits; the food selections parallel what our ancestors ate during the Paleolithic era, before the agricultural revolution around 10,000 years ago. This means no grains (bread, pasta, rice, beer etc.) legumes (beans, peanuts), dairy (milk, yogurt), sugar and processed foods.

We will hold a meeting tonight at 5 p.m. to discuss the challenge and various criteria. If you are not able to attend but still want to participate, please let your coach know.

There will be one male and one female winner, which will be determined by a combination of factors including: visual assessment; waist, hip and chest measurements; and body weight. Each winner will receive half of the cash buy-in, along with other prizes.

  • Buy-in: $10
  • Length: Monday, Sept. 24- October 24th (30 days)
  • Requirements: Measurements (waist, hip and chest); photos of front, back and side; and height and weight must be submitted via email to participate.
  • Recording: Food journals will be encouraged, along with small group accountability.
  • Tools: The meeting will discuss recipes, grocery shopping lists and eating-out tips, along with websites and other paleo resources.

The CFUM paleo challenge is being organized by Craig, our semester intern. Feel free to contact him at

Still not convinced? Check out this article on how Pasta, Not Bacon, Makes You Fat