Saturday, Sept. 22, 2012

Friday’s 9 a.m. class was packed with Luke and Najla, owners of CrossFit Scottsdale and SICFIT; our CrossFit Lahaina friends Kawika and Sabrina; and Chelsea and her lululemon Paia showroom team. Special thanks to Luke and Najla for giving us air time on their documentary (which features Kawika). Wearing a mic while leading the Burgener warmup is a new PR. Mahalo to all for cruising Upcountry!

Here’s the workout for Saturday, Sept. 22, 2012:

WOD will be announced at 8 a.m. at the box. Get stoked to sweat out your work week!


Check out who’s getting some major billboard time at Hi-Tech


PRE-HOLIDAY PALEO CHALLENGE STARTS MONDAY! Are your closets cleaned out? Do you have a shopping list? Are you planning your meals for next week? We are sending emails Saturday to all who signed up for our 30-day event. You still have time to join. Don’t miss out on the most important CrossFit challenge yet — a battle for your dietary and overall health that only requires strong willpower!


Frank and I are putting in an order for new equipment…Reserve yours today!