Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012 – HOLIDAY


During this season of gratitude, we’re most thankful for our growing Upcountry CrossFit community. You inspire us every day, and we’re getting stronger — together — due to your hard work, positivity and consistency. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve and to lead. We love every moment of it. Have a great holiday with friends and family! Frank and Kehau


Get your WOD in before you get your turkey, stuffing, desserts and drinks in. We’re holding a condensed holiday schedule of one class only from 8 to 9 a.m.

112212 WOD

A. Group stretch

B. Metcon

For time:

800-meter run

Five rounds of the triplet

5 dumbbell man-makers

10 sit-ups

20 double-unders

800-meter run