Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013

011513 WOD

A. Skill

Tall snatch

6 x 3

B. Metcon

“Running Jackie”

For time:

800-meter run

50 thrusters (45/35)

30 pull-ups

* This metcon will be the benchmark WOD for retesting at the end of the paleo challenge. If you are participating, please record your time for future submission.

* Due to lighting, 6 a.m. class may row 800 meters as a substitute.


3, 2, 1, GO … PALEO!

CFUM’s roughly 60-day Post-Holiday Paleo Challenge starts today. Please submit required information by midnight. A $15 buy-in must be turned in to coaches by the end of Wednesday. Happy healthy eating! And remember: The Paleo Police are watching!