Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2013
012213 WOD
A. Buy in
In teams of two, AMRAP in 3:00:
Partner A: 50-meter sprint + 10 HR push-ups
Partner B: ME double-unders
Switching; score is double-under total.
B. Strength
Back squat – Wendler week 3, month 1 *
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+
* This is your heaviest week of Wendler for month 1. Treat your strength work as your “WOD” and make sure to warm up to working sets, taking approximately two minutes of rest between each. On your max effort, get a spotter and push through the mental part of your lift that says you can’t get another one. Record your final reps. Then, listen to your body on the metcon, going light to no weight if necessary. Next week, we are deloading before we ramp up for Wendler month 2.
C. Metcon
AMRAP in 8:00
5 thrusters (95/65)
10 toes-to-bar
15 box jumps (24/20)