Monday, Jan. 28, 2013
(Additional competition photos on Facebook)
LAHAINA — Upcountry rocked the third annual Winter Strength Challenge at Lahaina CrossFit on Saturday, securing three awards at the largest CrossFit competition on Maui.
Coach Russ took first place in the stacked men’s RX division, which drew 15 competitors. He won the first two events, and PR’d the clean and jerk with a stunning 265# with a bodyweight of under 170.
Gabby easily worked through more than two rounds of the snatch workout with 95# snatches, the WOD that leveled the playing field for many competitors.
Andrea scored the highest rep count for the first workout with wall balls, pull-ups and barbell shoulder to overhead. She PR’d her clean and jerk at 140#.
Adding to the athletes’ accomplishments was the impressive performances of all competitors Saturday, who worked through three workouts in RX and scaled divisions for men and women. The camaraderie at the local event was high, as friends and family were sweating, cheering and WODing alongside one another. Special thanks goes to Anthony and Megan, LCF owners who graciously host the annual competition and gather prizes for winners.
Highlights include performances by Keaka, Helena, Jess, Melissa, Chris and Anna. For many of you, it was your first competition. For others, you were juggling crazy work and family schedules. Regardless, the fact that you went out, gave it your all and aren’t looking back makes your participation all the more impressive. It takes a lot of vulnerability to be transparent in front of a crowd of people. Your box couldn’t be more proud of your work ethic, humility and sportsmanship.
Now get motivated — the CF Games Open is right around the corner!
012813 WOD
A. Strength
Back squat – Wendler week 4, month 1 [ DELOAD ]
B. Metcon
For time:
Full clean (135/95)
C. Cash out
3 x 10 good mornings
Massive mahalo to all of you who showed up to help move Sunday. We got texts from many others who said they couldn’t make it but wanted to be there. We know you took time away from a valuable rest day to lug around 800-pound (exaggeration) horse mats, dumbbells and sleds, and we truly appreciate your support. If only we had a way to pay back your kindness, we would. For now, a menial blog post will have to do. Thanks again, friends! We couldn’t do this without you.