Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013
013113 WOD
A. Make up skill / strength
Take the first 20 minutes of class to make up missed lifts and practice your Olympic weightlifting.
B. Group stretch
C. Metcon
Three rounds for time:
800-meter run
50 sit-ups
50 back extensions *
* Unless you’ve been regularly training on the back extension machine, you will substitute Superman holds for the back extensions.
Namaste for understanding.
It’s the bittersweet departure from a location we know and love. The final day in the box will be today (Thursday), and we will hold classes in the new location Friday. We trust you’ll make more memories at the new spot — all 50 meters away — while never forgetting the old ones. We’re excited for this expansion, which was inevitable due to the unanticipated growth of the box, and we appreciate your patience and support during this time. We’re making a final effort to move all items Thursday. If you’re able to stick around for a few minutes after the 8 a.m. or 5 p.m. classes, we appreciate the help to transfer remaining odds and ends. Also, please check the lost and found and survey the gym for any stuff you may have left, as we will throw away or donate unclaimed items. Get stoked — you’ve got some new gear that we’ll show you Friday!
This pint-sized powerhouse is pretty amazing to watch in the gym. Everything comes naturally to Yulie, and athletics runs in her family genes. She used to run marathons with David, she’s an avid tennis player and she happened to walk in to 1RM testing for strength after a couple weeks of CrossFit and pulled a 215# deadlift from the floor like it was a bag of cat food. Beyond her skillz (yes, with a “z”), Yulie has a generous and kind heart; she’s an awesome wife and mom; and she’s a great cook, too. If you haven’t hung out at David and Yulie’s restaurant Moana 2.0, go there. Right now. You won’t regret it. Have a great birthday, Yulie! You’re allowed to cheat today! We love you!