Wednesday, March 27, 2013


032713 WOD

A. Group warmup

B. Strength

Back squat – TESTING

Take 35 minutes of class to find your 1RM or EST 1RM. Make sure to warm up to the last weight used in the strength series. Warmup percentages will be posted on the whiteboard. Continue to add weight for sets of 1, 3 or 5 reps until you reach failure and/or your form is compromised. Experienced spotters are mandatory.

C. Metcon

In 3:00

Run 200 meters


4 K2E

8 pistol squats (4/side) *

12 HR push-ups

Complete three rounds, resting 1:30 between each. Score is rounds and reps of AMRAP. * Pistol sub will be reverse lunges with a 1:1 ratio.