Monday, March 25, 2013
Saturday’s class gets ready for the 800-meter run. Some members are putting their own spin on “pose” running. Get it? Because they’re posing for the photo, but pose running is also a technique that CrossFitters use? Anyone? No one? Come on. That was a good pun.
032513 WOD
A. Buy in
Three rounds NFT:
30 double-unders
12 reverse lunges (6/side)
B. Strength *
Deadlift – TESTING
Take 35 minutes of class to find your 1RM or EST 1RM. Make sure to warm up to the last weight used in the strength series. Continue to add weight for sets of 1, 3 or 5 reps until you reach failure and/or your form is compromised. Stretching between lifts is mandatory.
C. Metcon
6:00 AMRAP
3 American kettlebell swings (53/35)
3 toes-to-bar
100-meter run
8 burpees
8 toes-to-bar
We altered the metcon before 6 a.m. started it; all classes will do this short bodyweight workout after 1RM testing.
* PROGRAMMING NOTE: This week marks the end of our three-month Wendler strength series. We will be testing your 1RM or EST 1RM in the deadlift (Monday); press (Tuesday); and back squat (Wednesday).
It is extremely important that you make these testing days or make up the work on Thursday. All members — regardless of how long you’ve been with us — need to find an estimated or true 1RM for these three lifts by the end of this cycle, as we are moving on to a new series starting April.
If you have completed the linear strength series prior to Wendler, you may aim for a true 1RM. If this is your first strength series with us, we would like you to shoot for an ESTIMATED 1RM, which is safer than finding a true 1RM.
Instructions for finding an EST 1RM will be offered at the box. For veterans, please make sure you have your 1RM or EST 1RM for each lift; for new members, please have numbers for the heaviest weight you used in each lift, along with completed reps.
Kiera is a bit elusive and mysterious; and we like that about her. She’s soft-spoken, but firm when she needs to be (she’s been known to whistle at the class when people aren’t paying attention to the coach); she’s quiet but also a force to be reckoned with. These balancing factors make for a phenomenal athlete. From very early on, we noticed Kiera’s impeccable form, her proficiency in Olympic weightlifting and her overall speed and stamina. Kiera, who’s mom to two adorable girls, is an asset to our community; she continues to raise the bar while never seeking the spotlight. She lets her workouts speak for themselves while encouraging others and avoiding attention — all very humble qualities that illuminate a vibrant inner strength. We’re proud of you, Kiera (and you, too, Anders!), and we’re so blessed to call you our friend. Hope your Sunday birthday was great; don’t think you can hide from burpees Monday!