Monday, April 15, 2013


The grand opening lei are beautiful! Event photos coming soon.


You may be over hearing thank you, but we’re going to do it anyway. Mahalo to our amazing CFUM community for hosting a successful Grand Reopening event Saturday, which was stacked with ono food, great friends and a rugged run up the mountain. Thank you also to CrossFitters from around the island, including Danny and Whit at CF Maui, Mark at Maui CF Extreme and Robert and Kristi at RFM, who took time and gas money to drive Haleakala and hang out with us, especially to our friends Anthony and Megan at Lahaina CrossFit who came all the way from the west side. Mahalos to CFUM athlete Kit Okazaki, superstar saxophone player from Nuff Sedd who set up the Charley’s after-party, which was a huge hit. Mahalo also to Pastor (and CrossFitter) Kaipo Thomas for the heartfelt blessing. Maui truly is the best — and we are confident a big reason behind that statement is the solid rapport among boxes here. For Frank and I, it’s one year down and many more to go, and we couldn’t have done it without all of you!

041513 WOD

A. Buy in

4:00 Tabata handstand hold

Advanced: Freestanding or handstand walks

Intermediate: Freestanding practice with spot

Beginner: Hold against wall or hollow rock

B. Barbell

Hang snatch

7 x 2

Work on full extension, speed under the bar; lift to best set of two for the day

Demo video courtesy Catalyst Athletics: Hang snatch

C. Metcon

Four rounds for time:

10 single-arm dumbbell snatches – right hand (40/25)

15 box jumps (24/20)

10 single-arm dumbbell snatches – left hand

200-meter run