Saturday, April 20, 2013


042013 WOD

A. Group warmup

B. Stretch

C. Metcon

In 15:00 with teams of two:

Partner A: Run 400 meters

Partner B: AMRAP

9 thrusters (135/95)

12 bar-facing burpees

15 pull-ups

Switching; score is rounds and reps of AMRAP.



It’s amazing to see how far Reebok (and the idea of fitness) has come. The athletic apparel superpower released this workout video in the ’90s. About 40 seconds in, the narrator says that “Step Reebok” is the “toughest workout on Earth.” Russ, Frank and I will be using this footage to rethink how we program. Maybe instead of heavy thrusters Saturday, we should be stepping harder and faster, and to a beat that sounds kind of Amazon-ish. Bring your tights!