Wednesday, April 24, 2013

photo 2

If funny was wrong, we wouldn’t want to be right.

042413 WOD

A. Buy in

Accumulate 3:00 in a handstand hold with fewest attempts

2 attempts = 5 burpee broad jumps

3 attempts = 10 burpee broad jumps

4 or more attempts = 15 burpee broad jumps

B. Barbell

High hang clean, jerk

5 x 2 + 1

C. Metcon

8:00 AMRAP

200-meter run

20 pistols (10/leg)

10 push jerks (145/100)




>> kaipo honored for fitness service

CF Upcountry athlete Kaipo Thomas was honored today by Mayor Alan Arakawa for countless hours of volunteer work with Maui’s youth and families. He received a certificate of recognition at the county building and celebrated at a surprise reception following the event. Kaipo is a natural athlete and experienced diver. His life is centered on service, though, and he leads youth camps, girls club volleyball and an array of youth programs with schools around the island. Kaipo sneaks in stealth-mode to late morning or afternoon CFUM classes, often spotted using a 30″ box jump when WODs call for 24 inches. We love you, Kaipo! Thanks for all you do for our community — we’re stronger because of your selflessness!