Thursday, August 15, 2013


The notorious jumping photo. We can’t get enough of these. This is Wednesday’s 8 a.m. class. Who did it best?

081513 WOD

A. Make up

Take the first 25 minutes of class to make up missed work, including: back squat 3 x 5, adding 10# to last time; EMOM 10:00 1 x power snatch, 1 x snatch balance, 2 x OHS; press 3 x 5, adding 5# to last time.

B. Group stretch

C. In 14:00

Run 800 meters with medicine ball (20/14)


10 wall balls (using same weight) to 10′ target

20 sit-ups

30 double-unders

Score is rounds and reps of AMRAP.




>> he’ll smash you at 9 a.m.

Don’t make mobility man, Josh, mad. He gets angry when people don’t mobilize, which is the key to long-term exercise. Josh will focus on lower body work today (Thursday) during the popular MOBWOD, roughly a half hour to 45 minutes of self-rehabilitation. Based on Kelly Starrett’s CrossFit Movement and Mobility Certification, the session is the highlight of the week, where you get to undo any stress that occurs with high-intensity training. So take this post as a warning. You’re hurting yourself more than you hurt Josh when you don’t attend. Don’t make the mobility man mad: He cares about your fitness!