Monday, August 26, 2013

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>> cfum’s 1st swimming class a big splash.

Our first CrossFit swimming class at Pukalani Pool on Saturday went amazingly well — except for the part where we had to get in the water. All jokes aside, Coach Emalia is truly top notch; her instruction led more than 10 of us through different freestyle drills and beginner-based techniques. Assistance from David C., another accomplished swim coach, and Ema’s sister, Helena, was an added benefit for all of the students. And surprisingly, none of us got kicked out of the pool during our more than hourlong class. Ema’s patience, spot-on cues and words of encouragement kept everyone motivated; and we all agreed that the experience was great fun and a killer workout. We will keep you posted about upcoming CFUM swim classes. It’s just one more thing we are adding to our continually evolving CrossFit programming. Great work to everyone who came out; and thank you to Ema, David and Helena — we are blessed to have such athletic assets at our box!

082613 WOD

A. In 6:00 with teams of two:

Partner 1: 100-meter run

Partner 2: AMRAP 6 HR push-ups, 12 air squats

Switching; 1 starts where 2 leaves off; score is rounds and reps

B. Back squat

3 x 5

Add #10 to last time; if you missed, don’t increase

C. Four rounds for time:

5 muscle-ups *

10 front squats (135/95)

30 double-unders

>> Metcon programmed by Outlaw CrossFit

* 1 MU = 1 strict pull-up / 1 strict dip