Friday, Sept. 13, 2013


About 20 CFUM members got mobbed Thursday. Thanks for the pic, Andrea!

091313 WOD

A. 4 rounds NFT

0:10 chin-up hold

10 hollow rocks

10 jumping air squats

B. EMOM 8:00

1 x power clean / 3 x front squat / 1 x jerk

C. AMRAP 9:00

10 wall balls (20/14)

20 Russian kettlebell swings (53/35)

30 double-unders




>> because the widell family is . . .

Team Widell: Lisa (from left), Eric and daughter Chelsea represent all three of our CFUM teams: Mother Cluckers, Team Mullet and Sweating to the ’80s. (I just made up the last two names based on costumes). If a prize was awarded for best family — the Widells would take it, no question. We love the hard work and dedication you’ve put into your costumes, training and planning. Now, the only goal Saturday is to HAVE FUN! There will be no excuses for not having fun. If you have no fun, you will do burpees next week. That is an order.

Here’s to another amazing Hana Relay!