Friday, Oct. 11, 2013


101113 WOD

A. 4:00 Tabata

Alternating double-unders

Superman holds

B. Deadlifts – Wendler week 1; month 1

65% x 5

75% x 5

85% x 5+

C. In 3:00

Run 200 meters

10 HR push-ups

10 lunges with barbell in front rack (95/65) (5/side)

ME v-ups

Three rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Score is total v-ups.




This does not count as taking attendance. PS: Anders’ wife’s name is Kiera. Sherri and Steve are the couple from AZ/WA. And who are these two girls?  . . . But hey, at least everything is spelled correctly. Partial points for that. I have to admit; this made me laugh a lot today. Mobwod never fails to disappoint. Good job girl 1 and girl 2! Hope to see you again at the gym!