Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2013


We had a CFUM PR for the most CrossFit visitors at one class. Mahalo for stopping by;
a hui ho!

101513 WOD

A. 3 rounds NFT:

50-meter run

6 Turkish get-ups (3/side)

8 oblique side bends with KB (4/side)

10 American KB swings

B. Back squat – Wendler week 2; month 1

70% x 3

80% x 3

90% x 3+

C. In 3:00

– Buy in –

200-meter run

10 ground to overhead (135/95)

Round 1: ME box jumps (24/20)

Round 2: ME double-unders

Round 3: ME sit-ups

Score is total reps of ME work from all three rounds; rest 1:00 between each round.