Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013


Nice job on the November PRs, everyone! Let’s end 2013 with a bang! We will be testing your estimated or true one-rep maxes in the squat, press and deadlift at the end of this month. There’s no better way to ring in the new year than with a CF Total!

120313 WOD

A. Alternating Tabata 4:00 in teams of two:

Wall ball chest passes (stand two horse mats apart down the length of the gym)

Wall ball sit-ups (interlock legs; wall ball must touch behind head, then pass; both partners do sit-up simultaneously)

B. EMOM 8:00

2 x snatch high pull / 1 x power snatch / 2 x OHS

Stay light and work on technique and timing; make sure to keep bar close

C. Four rounds for reps of:

1:00 ME wall balls (20/14) to 10′ target

0:30 Rest

1:00 ME Russian kettlebell swings (53/35)

0:30 Rest

1:00 ME burpee over-the-box jumps (24/20)

0:30 Rest

* Metcon courtesy of Outlaw CrossFit

>> On Ramp

Three rounds for reps of:

1:00 ME wall balls or DB thrusters

0:30 Rest

1:00 ME Russian kettlebell swings AHAP

0:30 Rest

1:00 ME step-ups