Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2013
Tuesday’s 8 a.m. class looking fresh
121113 WOD
A. In 6:00 with teams of two:
100-meters with med ball (pass at 50 meters)
20 med ball sit-ups
20 med ball over the bar
20 med ball Russian twists
If ball drops at any point, 5 burpee penalty; team with most rounds for each class gets out of star jump penalty
B. Press – Wendler week 2; month 3
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3+
C. AMRAP in 8:00
20 double-unders
10 HR push-ups
5 ground to overhead (135/95)
>> On-Ramp
AMRAP in 8:00
60 single-unders
10 push-ups
5 hang clean and push press AHAP
>>> flu fighter tea
We captured a rare image of Snuggie, the magician of Whole Foods Market, on Tuesday afternoon. Snuggie is the author / creator / mastermind behind the Flu Fighter tea, a mystical elixir that can cure any ailment. Exaggeration aside, I’ve been down with a nasty bug for the last few days and the only thing that’s keeping me from hacking up a lung is her Flu Fighter tea, that was really created by Snuggie and is listed on the WFM drink menu board. It’s a mysterious blend of hot apple cider, ginger and some hot spices. If you’re feeling junk, try Snuggie’s healthy brew. It tastes good, it’s made by a good CFUM friend and it’s good for you!