Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2013


121813 WOD

A. Tabata 4:00

Alternating parallette shoot-throughs


B. Press – Wendler week 3; month 3

75% x 5

85% x 3

95% x 1+

C. AMRAP in 9:00

3 full snatches (95/65)

3 toes-to-bar

3 box jumps (24/20)

6 snatches

6 t2b

6 box jumps

9 snatches

9 t2b

9 box jumps . . .

Increasing three reps with each round; score is last completed round, plus reps.

>> On-Ramp

AMRAP in 9:00

3 hang power snatches

3 v-ups or sit-ups

3 step-ups

6 hang power snatches

6 v-ups or sit-ups

6 step-ups

9 hang power snatches

9 v-ups or sit-ups

9 step-ups . . .

Increasing three reps with each round; score is last completed round, plus reps.



We have quite a few main dishes covered, so bring whatever works for you! Also, Pirate Gift Exchange is the same thing as White Elephant. I’ve always called it White Elephant, but Andrea says it’s a pirate exchange, so we will go with Coco’s mom on that. Serious and not-serious gifts between $10-$15 welcomed.