Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2013 – CHRISTMAS EVE

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>> Be merry and mobile!

Frank and I ordered a bunch of Rogue lacrosse balls a month ago to give to our awesome members (this means you) for Christmas gifts. I had grand plans: I would screenprint them (that got too hard); I would stamp them (it didn’t work; I tried); I would put them in little baggies with green raffia and cute ribbons to make it look like Rudolph’s nose (epic fail when I bought the wrong size bags from Ben Franklin tonight — anyone need minibags, ties and green raffia? I have a bunch!). All that to say, it’s the thought that counts. We will have a semidecorated box (which may not be decorated at all) at the gym today for you to grab your lacrosse ball. We just ask that you take only one per household and that you bypass taking one if you already have one at home. We wish you a very Merry (and mobile) Christmas and an even healthier New Year! We love you, CFUM!

122413 WOD

A. Group warmup

B. Stretch

C. For time:

“12 Days of Christmas”

1 power snatch (95/65)

2 ring dips

3 burpees

4 pull-ups

5 toes-to-bar

6 push-ups

7 air squats

8 jumping lunges

9 box jumps (24/20)

10 wall balls (20/14)

11 Russian KB swings (35/53)

12 thrusters (95/65)

The movements are performed the same way you would sing the “12 Days of Christmas.”

>> On-Ramp

Modifications will be given at the gym




Dear CFUM friend:

Thank you for bringing the monkey pinata gift to the White Elephant gift exchange Saturday night. I was entranced by your big, shiny, red bag that seemed to radiate from the present table. With lucky No. 7, I was one of the earlier picks, and I chose your beautifully wrapped gift, which I so vividly remember. My excitement was matched by the grand surprise and pure joy that I experienced when opening the bag: I soon found the monkey pinata that has forever changed my life. I didn’t want to miss any part of your intelligent gift, so I excitedly “opened” the monkey to find your even smarter gifts inside: Ribbons. Lots of ribbons. So, mystery CFUM friend, who happens to be an expert at White Elephant, I am writing to congratulate you on a job well done. I would love to meet with you in person to give you a big, big hug. Please do contact me as soon as possible so I can thank you with burpees. Lots of burpees.

Happiest of holidays!


PS. CFUM Christmas Party photos will be posted soon