Saturday, Dec. 28, 2013


Part of Friday’s 8 a.m. crew who charged hard, even in the Upcountry downpour.

122813 WOD

A. Group warmup

B. Stretch

C. Five rounds for time: *

10 chest-to-bar pull-ups

20 Russian kettlebell swings (70/53)

30 anchored sit-ups

40 double-unders

* Metcon by CrossFit Invictus

>> On-Ramp

Three rounds for time:

10 pull-ups / ring rows

20 Russian kettlebell swings AHAP

30 sit-ups

40 double-under attempts / 120 single-unders




I get kind of sappy when talking about the originals. Lisa W. is one of them. I’ve known her for about as long as I’ve known CrossFit. We met during crazy workouts at the track in town, where we’d program our own stuff and try to figure out how to do kipping pull-ups on the bars below the bleachers. Even during that time, Lisa stood out as a phenomenal athlete. She came in among the first on the runs, her doubles are endless, her engine is insane, and her form is consistently on point. Lisa is one of those athletes who you just like to watch WOD — because she makes it looks so good. Not to mention, she’s mom to two athletic, compassionate and kind kids (Chelsea is in college and Riley is in high school) and she’s wife to also athletic Eric. Lisa is the matriarch of a superfit family, and she leads by example, consistently training hard and conquering any challenge she meets. One of the most inspiring characteristics about Lisa is her endurance, in the gym and outside the gym: She just gets stronger, more beautiful and more resilient as the days go on. Thanks for setting a great example for us all. We love you, Lisa! Have a great birthday — you deserve it!

>> found these oldies but goodies hahaha

