Monday, Jan. 6, 2014 – PALEO DAY ONE


>> day one starts now.

We just added these Whole 30 / paleo resources to our library. If you’d like to check them out, please do so in the gym. Feel free to take pictures of recipes inside and get ideas for the challenge. Keep in mind that Whole 30 and general paleo have some very specific distinctions. If you are doing Whole 30, you are not consuming any non-naturally occurring sugars (not even agave, honey, stevia, coconut sugar, etc.) and you are not paleo-fying recipes (paleo pancakes, muffins, pies, desserts, etc.). If you need Whole 30 support and clarity, please talk with your coaches. For those of you doing paleo, your guidelines are a little more lenient. Regardless of your approach, get accountability and plan meals ahead. Making it through week two will make all the difference in the world; cheating just sets you back, and you won’t reach the sugar / carb detoxification threshold / reset that your body needs. Stay strong and paleo on!

++ If you want a shopping guide, a paleo quiz, recipes and other resources, email us and we will send it to you:

We are testing your paleo progress via the benchmark workout below. We will retest this at the end of your 30-day challenge. Make sure to mark your time and any modifications you used.

010614 WOD

A. In 5:00 with up to four teams:

Rower: ME for distance

Nonrowers: Front plank hold

Switching at minute mark; team with the farthest distance is exempt from five muffintops

B. Pause front squats

5 x 2 *

Build to a challenging set of two, with a three-second pause at the bottom

C. For time:

“Running Jackie”

Run 800 meters

50 thrusters (45/35)

30 pull-ups