Wednesday, March 5, 2014


030514 WOD

A. 4:00 Tabata

Alternating kips

Jumping jacks

B. Push press

Build to a challenging set of five, then do three sets of five reps for four total sets; work on negative.

Subset with 4 x 5 strict pull-ups

C. “Running Nate”

12:00 AMRAP

2 muscle-ups (sub 2 strict pull-ups / 2 strict dips)

4 handstand push-ups

8 American kettlebell swings (70/53)

200-meter run

Score is rounds and reps

>> On-Ramp

8:00 AMRAP

4 ring rows / 4 parallette dips

4 modified HSPU off box / strict presses

8 Russian KB swings

200-meter run

Score is rounds and reps