Tuesday, March 11, 2014


March 10, 2014: Remembering our founder, Kaye, who introduced so many of us to fitness and to lifelong friends.

031114 WOD

A. Tabata 4:00


Alternating hollow rocks

B. Clean skill work – EMOM 8:00

1 x clean high pull from above knee

1 x power clean from above knee

1 x clean high pull from high hang

1 x power clean from high hang

C. 12:00 AMRAP

3 burpee box jumps (24/20)

3 deadlifts (115/75)

3 push presses (115/75)

6 burpee box jumps

6 deadlifts

6 push presses

9 burpee box jumps

9 deadlifts

9 push presses

. . . and so on, adding 3 reps with each round until time expires. Score is last completed round, plus additional reps.

>> On-Ramp

3 burpees

3 KB deadlifts AHAP

3 DB push presses AHAP

6 burpees

6 KB deadlifts

6 DB push presses

9 burpees

9 KB deadlifts

9 DB push presses

. . . and so on, adding 3 reps with each round until time expires. Score is last completed round, plus additional reps.