Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Welcome John to our box, who made the move from Oregon Washington to Maui exactly one month ago. John is a CF L1 certified coach, and he’s been teaching CrossFit for four years. Moreover, John is a super nice guy, who’s already a great addition to our community. John’s wife and children just got to Maui recently. They made their home in Upcountry, arguably the best place to live on the island. But we’re biased . . . Thanks for choosing CFUM, John! We’re grateful to have you!
031914 WOD
A. In 5:00 with a partner
Partner 1) 100 meter farmers carry + 3 burpees
Partner 2) ME hollow rocks
B. Push press
4 x 5
Using a heavy set of five, work on the eccentric movement.
C. 1:00 ME at each station
• Row (for calories)
• Slam balls
• Thrusters (95/65)
• Double-unders
• Front plank hold (if you drop before the minute, deduct 10 points off total for that round)
Three rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Score is total reps.
>> On-Ramp
Same movements listed above for two rounds
I will repost this every year during Games season. It is just that good.