Friday, March 21, 2014


032114 WOD

A. Three rounds NFT

100-meter run

3 wall squats

6 kips

9 jumping air squats

B. Deadlifts

3 x 10 KB DLs AHAP

C. CrossFit Games Open Workout 14.4


14:00 AMRAP

60-calorie row

50 toes-to-bar

40 wall-ball shots (20/14) to 10’/9′ target

30 cleans (135/95)

20 ring muscle-ups


14:00 AMRAP +

60-calorie row or 600-meter run

50 toes-to-bar or v-ups

40 wall-ball shots (20/14) to 10′ target

30 cleans (135/95)

20 muscle-ups or 20 strict pull-ups + 20 strict dips

+ If you are not registered in the open, please allow participants priority with the rowers and pull-up rig. Running instead of rowing and v-ups instead of toes-to-bar will still give you a great workout. Thanks for supporting your fellow participants and CFUM teammates!

>> On-Ramp

8:00 AMRAP

400-meter run

25 sit-ups

20 wall balls / DB thrusters

15 HPC with dumbbells or light barbell

10 ring rows / parallette dips