Wednesday, July 2, 2014


070214 WOD

A. 5:00 with teams of two:

Partner A) 30 double-unders or 30 double-under attempts

Partner B) plank hold any style

Switching; after each complete both movements, 50-foot crab walk (up and back the length of metcon room) before starting next round.

B. Bench press – linear week 2

3 x 5 (add 5# to week 1)

Subset with 3 x 5 weighted strict pull-ups / strict pull-ups / or assisted strict pull-ups

C. In 3:00

Sprint 100 meters

6 handstand push-ups

12 box jump overs (24/20)

ME hang power cleans (135/95) *

Do five burpees every time you let the bar drop / touch the ground

Four rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Score is total HPC.

>> On-Ramp

In 3:00

Sprint 100 meters

6 modified HSPU

12 box step-overs

ME dumbbell hang power cleans AHAP

Four rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Score is total HPC.




Film by Noah Clemons

Toby’s freakishly strong. And fast (yes, he sandbags the running because he can actually sprint really fast). And explosive (he box jumps tables, tall buildings and power lines — well, maybe not power lines — but he jumps things that are pretty high). Any time he picks up a weight, it looks like he has a special bar — one that weighs less than the ones other people have; maybe it’s made of Styrofoam. What’s cool to watch, though, is Toby’s strength of character. I noticed early on that he would congratulate each person in the class after completing workouts. He’s also helped encourage others through tough WODs and competitions. Toby has a gift — athleticism plus servitude. This is seen in his class coaching — he’s more focused on helping others get better than he is on helping himself. Can you imagine a coach who only cared about his or her own progress? We are extremely grateful to have such an awesome addition to our CFUM team. In a society where self is central — it’s refreshing to have a friend who’s focused on giving instead of getting. Have a great birthday, Toby! Don’t go too crazy in Vegas!




I’ve known Patty since kindergarten. And I’m grateful to have a best friend who is a strong support behind all the “excitement” of our small business. She helps keep my head on straight, and she offers encouragement to everyone in a five-foot radius. Everyone who knows Patty is blessed because of it, as iron sharpens iron. Have a great birthday, Rizzo! See you at 5:45 a.m. class today (32 burpees are waiting for you)!