Friday, Sept. 12, 2014
Jenn, who’s visiting from Florida, motivated Keola, Toby and me on Thursday to do a workout programmed by her home box in honor of 9/11. The WOD was for time: 2,001-meter row; 11 box jumps (30/24); 11 thrusters (135/85); 11 kettlebell swings (70/53); 11 burpee to chest-to-bar pull-ups; 11 toes-to-bar; 11 handstand push-ups; 11 deadlifts (170/120); 11 power cleans (170/120); 11 shoulder to overhead (115/75); 2,001-meter run. Jenn serves in the U.S. Navy; she was stationed in Afghanistan when she first started CrossFit about two years ago. We are grateful for our men and women in uniform. Thank you for your lifelong sacrifices!
091214 WOD
A. 1:00 ME at each station
• Double-unders
• Row for calories
• Strict toes-to-bar / rings
• Box jumps
• Slam balls
B. Overhead squat – TESTING
Due to Hana Relay absences today, we will test your overhead squat instead of your deadlift. Deadlift totals will be found a week from today. Warm-up weights will be listed on the board.
C. 10:00 EMOM
5 bodyweight deadlifts
5 bar-facing burpees