CrossFit Upcountry: Hana Relay 2012
>> 52 miles of “fun.”
We’ve had three teams in the Hana Relay since 2012, and Frank and I have been running the race annually since 2007. We are proud to have our Mullet Men, the Mutha Cluckas and the Pineapple Clan rep Upcountry over 52 miles of stunning — and very steep — East Maui. Congratulations to everyone participating in this massive event. It’s one of the oldest and most popular on the island, and we enjoy being a part of it. We’re stoked on every runner — some competitive and others noncompetitive — who decided to commit to this fun, and sometimes brutal, trek. Shoutout to Keely (open women); Kyle (open men); and Andrea (masters women) who are slated to conquer the legendary leg 13. We can’t wait to see the crazy photos and hear about the fun costumes. Meet us at the ballpark for overnight camping at a friend’s private property. Best of luck to our Upcountry Strong athletes — we love you!